We finally finished the portable crib that Cohen will be sleeping in when he comes to visit at my mom's. The bed has a lot of sentimental value because Cohen will be the third generation to sleep in it. My mom, my sister and I all slept in it when we were babies, and soon it will be Cohen's turn. As you can imagine, with time comes wear. So it needed a little updating. We completely took it apart, sanded it down, re-stained it and then repainted it (the wooden balls). The decorative balls were originally pink, canary yellow and robin's egg blue, but we decided a nice coat of white (non-toxic, of course) would look better and be more appropriate for a little boy. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a before picture, so you'll have to use your imagination. But here's the finished product. We added to the update by getting some new bedding. My mom made the trimmed blanket to match the white Minky Dot bumper set we purchased, and the monogrammed pillow is from ...