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Showing posts from October, 2011

Happy Halloween!

The only transformation I'll be apart of today is the one happening in my mom's kitchen. Yes, I'm finally getting around to painting the walls. But if I was having a party, it would look something like this... Happy Halloween! Images via Country Living, Twig and Thistle

Five Things Friday - Part 1

I think I'm going to try a new post on Fridays called "Five Things." I've seen a similar idea out there in the blog world, and I really like it.  Here's how it works: each Friday I'm going to bring you five things I really like - it could be a place, a product, a design, an idea, you name it.  I'll pick my top 5 for the week and post on them every Friday.  Now all of my random finds can have their own place :)  So here goes...Five Things-Part 1... 1. Siberian Knights by OPI.  This is my new favorite fall nail polish.  I love the dark color and the hint of purple make me especially happy.  I snatched this baby up while I was shopping at Publix.  Yes, you read that right.  Publix, the grocery store.  Who knew they sold OPI polish?  Not me.  It was a great surprise!  2.  I'm slightly obsessed with this office.  I decided a long time ago that I would have black and white striped curtains somewhere in my next...

Happy birthday, Mom!

I have to take a minute to wish a happy birthday to my wonderful mom!  If I'm half the mother she is, my future kids will be very blessed. We went out to eat on Friday when my sister was in town to celebrate. Happy 55th, mom!  Here's to many more years!  We love you!


It was brought to my attention awhile back that the link buttons for my RSS feed , Facebook and most importantly Pinterest weren't working. Well I'm happy to announce that I have rectified that problem! And in celebration of such, I thought I'd share a few of my favorite pins.   Like what you see?  Follow me and see more of my drool-worthy pins. Images via 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7

Mom's House Update-Kitchen Paint Color

Last week my mom and I picked out the paint color for the kitchen. The color we decided on is called Desert Fortress by Valspar. This is what it looked like in Valspar's online Color Selector tool.  It's in the orange neutral collection, and I think it will work really well with my mom's dark wood floors.  We also purchased a primer that we got tinted in the same color.  So hopefully we'll only need one coat of paint. I've also been looking for curtains for the space, and these are the ones I'm leaning towards at the moment. I love the pinch pleat, and I think the color will add a little life to the space (contrasting the beige walls and dark brown floors).  Time will tell if there are actually the ones I pick, but for now, the price (and the look) is right! Hopefully I'll begin priming the walls tomorrow.  I'm so ready for this room to be complete! On another note, I ordered our Christmas cards this past weekend.  I know it's early, but I h...

Mom's House Update-Weathered Wood Walls

The painting is all done in the entry and halls! I need to do a new coat of paint on the trim and crown molding, but I'll save that for next week. For now, I'd just like to marvel on the finished walls. Here are the final pictures of the newly painted walls called Weathered Wood by Valspar. And here's one more before and after look (sorry I forgot to take several before shots-look in the top corner to see the most accurate color). Before After Have a great weekend!  I'll be back next week with more updates and the paint color for the kitchen!

Mom's House Update-Painting the Entry and Hallways

As I mentioned yesterday, I've been working on my own project at my mom's while Jon tackles the walls in the kitchen. That project is painting the main entry and hallway.  It's been a mauvy cocoa color for over 10 years now and my mom was ready to brighten it up a bit. The new paint color is called Weathered Wood by Valspar, and it definitely makes the space seem so much lighter and brighter.  Look at the difference in the two colors. The second coat is going up tonight so I'll be back with final shots tomorrow, but here's the difference just from the first coat. I'm also heading to Lowe's tonight to pick out the kitchen paint color.  Hooray for new paint!

Mom's House Update-Eating Area

With Mer's shower behind me, and a good head start on the next one I'm helping host, there is more time to get back to updating rooms in my mom's house. As you may remember, the wallpaper removal for the kitchen began in July . Three months later we're finally getting around to the fixing the drywall holes created from the wallpaper that was installed right on top of the drywall.  Jon has been SUCH a big help in the process.  I'm not sure what progress we'd have without him.  He did the initial sanding and patching of holes last night and has been applying the first skim coat today. The difference in the "before" and the "now" is such a delight to my eyes. Here is the before (excuse the mess...this is before the wood floors were put in): And here is the current "after."  The floral oasis is gone!  Jon will have to add one more skim coat on the right wall tomorrow, and then we'll be ready to prime and paint.   I can't ...

A Color Story

My friend is in the process of purchasing a new house and has asked me to help her pick out all of the paint colors for inside. She already had an idea on a lot of colors she liked which gave me a great starting point.  I took a look at what she liked and then made a few tweaks until there was a good balance in the color story. After selecting my favorites, I put them all together on a board to show my friend how they would all work together.  Laying them all out next to each other allows you to see how they all relate and play off of one another to achieve a cohesive look.  If you're looking to update your home with new paint colors, I would highly suggest laying out your options this way as well.  It doesn't take a fancy program.  PowerPoint and Microsoft Word will give you everything you need. Besides the color samples, I also showed a real life room on the board that was painted in each of the colors chosen.  This helps you see the true value of...

Cohen's Nursery Update

After spending the weekend at my sister's, we have the nursery almost done!  With the exception of the glider (which will be in the right corner by the lamp) and a rug, everything is in place.  Welcome to Cohen's room... Okay, Cohen.  Now all we need is you :) Source List: Bedding- Harper by Pottery Barn Kids Dresser- Hemnes by Ikea Rugby Stripe Storage Bins- The Container Store Changing Pad Cover- American Baby Company Navy Cable Knit Blanket- Nautica at Buy Buy Baby Rocking Chair-family antique Tiger Stuffed Animal- Nojo at Buy Buy Baby Giraffe Head- Anthropologie White shelves- Lowes Floor Lamp- JCPenney Lamp Shade- Target Curtains- Overstock Animal Prints- JennaSueDesign on Etsy