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Showing posts from February, 2011

Wonderful Weekend

Jon and I had a wonderful weekend.  I'd say it was a great mix of relaxation and productivity. We did our fair share of lounging around and watching movies, but also hit up the gym and cleaned the house.  We also booked our 1-year anniversary trip (more on that in another entry)!  We had my iPod blaring through the house on shuffle for the better part of yesterday while we were cleaning, cooking and eating dinner, and I must say, we should do that more often.  There's nothing like enjoying living life to a soundtrack.   If you know me, you know that I enjoy all types of music--from classic rock to country to Christian to singer/song writer to rap (Jon calls me his little "Thuggish Ruggish" and finds it hysterical that I like rap music)-- I like it all.   While we were finishing up dinner last night the song "Stay Fly" came on my iPod, and Jon immediately got excited.  He loves this song...mostly because it has the word "fly" in it, and he loves ...

Neutral Animal Nursery

Is it just me or is everyone having babies right now?  Perhaps I'm just at that age.  Whatever it is, I love it and it makes me excited for when the day comes that Jon and I have our own little ones.  In the mean time, I'll just admire everyone else's new bundles of joy and dream of nurseries. My favorite nurseries are usually ones that don't scream "It's a girl!" or "It's a boy!"  Maybe it's because I'm naturally drawn toward a neutral color palette with my design aesthetic.  Or maybe it's because soft, calming tones remind me of a sweet, sleeping baby.  Whatever the case may be, neutral nurseries make my heart happy. To show you what I mean, here is one of my latest designs.   {click image to enlarge} Starting off, I suggested painting the room Bleeker Beige by Benjamin Moore (you can get it color matched in Olympic Premium for the non-VOC paint route).  I also suggested adding white wainscoting to the bottom...

Thrift Store Finds

I had another successful trip to the thrift store on Tuesday.  Oh how I love that place.  I always leave with multiple "new" items for next to nothing, which means I get to shop (who doesn't love to shop?) and not feel guilty about spending a ton of money.  It's a win-win situation.  I love making Jon play "name that price" with my newly purchased items.  He always guesses WAY over what I actually spent, and I just grin ear to ear as I tell him how much it really cost.  What can I say?  I'm a girl who loves a good deal.  But I digress...Here's the breakdown of what I got on my last trip: Hardback book-$1.98 Rattan storage box-$.79 Brass candlestick x3 -$.79 each Glass vase-$.89 Glass decanter-$1.99 Rattan tobacco sifting basket x 2-$.99 each Rattan basket-$1.59 Wooden lamp x 2-$14.96 each Tax-$3.42 Total: $44.43 Now for the items and their intended purposes... A beautiful hardback coffee table book.  Perfect for my history loving hubby. ...

Playroom Update-Let There Be Curtains!

 In my last entry, I talked about a few of the things I did when we visited Dallas last weekend.  But one I didn't mention, was going to see the playroom I worked on at the end of January.  When I last updated you guys, everything was done except the pillows and curtains as we were waiting on the fabric to arrive.  Well it finally did, and Mindy did a great job sewing the curtains.  I got to see them last weekend, and as promised, I snapped a few pictures to show all of you who followed the project last month.  So without further adieu, here are the curtains... The fabric is from and is called "Pretty Bird, Blue." The reading area with the addition of the little chair Gabbi got for her birthday.

Weekend in Review

Well, I am happy to say that I tackled everything on my Dallas agenda that I mentioned in the last entry.  I love scratching things off my "To Do" list, so that made me very happy :)  Jon and I had a great visit.  The weather was beautiful, the fellowship was great and the food was amazing.   Aside from going to Gigi's Cupcakes (which were delicious by the way), I also went to another place I'd never been before called Rise NÂș1.  I tried to eat there a few years back right around when it first opened, but it was too busy.  This time, the girls and I strolled over there for lunch after making our stop at Gigi's.   And let me tell you, we were not disappointed.  In fact, I'm pretty sure we "oooohed" and "ahhhed" after each course was brought out.  I had a pomegranate mimosa, fresh bread, marshmallow soup (which was tomato basil soup with pieces of goat cheese in the shape of marshmallows on top sprinkled with pesto) and the crab souffle whic...

Give It Up For The Pups

I have to take a minute and brag about Remington's latest accomplishments.  This week (in the span of about three days) he learned how to lie down on command.  We had already taught him to sit, but it took a lot longer for him to master, so we were shocked when he nailed his new trick so quickly.  And today, he got into the bathtub all by himself!  This might not sound like a big deal to some, but Remi has always HATED baths.  So much so, that he goes and hides in his cage anytime he hears the shower turn on.  Normally, we have to pick him up and carry him into the bathroom to place him in the tub.  But today, with a little coaxing, he got in all by himself.  He still didn't look too happy about it, but hey, we're making progress! It's amazing how the tiniest things can make me so happy.  If I get this excited about what my dog can do, I can only imagine how you parents must feel about your kids! Whether it's your kids or animals that make ...

Spring is in the Air

Although it's still technically a month away, it sure does feel like spring outside.  We hit 80 degrees here today, which is crazy since a week ago we were at -16 degrees.  But I'm not complaining!  In fact, I'm loving it.  All of this sunshine has me ready for a picnic!  Anyone else? I'm definitely loving this basket from Willow Tree Home. St. Tropez Picnic Basket-$69.95 + free shipping The basket includes 2 plates, 2 napkins, 2 handblown wine glasses, 1 tablecloth, 2 utensil sets, 1 salt and pepper shaker, and 1 stainless steel corkscrew.  Wouldn't this be a great spring wedding gift?

Knitting Room Design Board

I was recently contacted by a friend to help her get a jumpstart on decorating her knitting room.  There were three priorities to keep in mind: 1.  A bulletin board where she could hang patterns and ideas for knitting projects.   2.  A place to display her balls of yarn.  It was important for her to be able to see it (so she could know what all she had) and to be able to access it easily. 3.  A pair of comfortable chairs (she already owns one she wants to reupholster) so I needed to find one that would be a good match.   Here is how the room currently looks... And here is what I suggested: {click image to enlarge} Because this will function as a craft/hobby room, I wanted it to be cheerful in color--a place where you'd want to spend hours knitting away. I went with a cool blue green paint by Benjamin Moore called Heavenly Blue--very appropriate for a little room of relaxation heaven, I thought :) I also added in color with the f...