Last night I fell asleep pondering where we were going to put up our Christmas tree. And yes, I realize it's not even Halloween yet. Now this thought could have entered my mind for one of two reasons. One, it could possibly be that my "nesting" for baby has set in (which, by the way, I feel is much stronger for those with a passion for design and fantasize about how to rearrange things all of the time anyway). Or two, it may be due to the fact that Jon and I will be celebrating Christmas at our own home for the first time since we've been married! Yes, this will be our fourth Christmas as a married couple, and we've never celebrated at our own house. Kind of sad isn't it? Here's why it's never happened: 2010: We were newlyweds who lived in middle of nowhere Oklahoma and thus traveled to family in Texas and Alabama for the holiday. 2011: We were in transition to moving to Florida and were residing in my mom's house until mid January. ...