Lately, baby prep has been on the forefront of my mind. Getting the nursery ready, packing the hospital bag, washing all of her clothes, setting up a pediatrician and the list goes on. Sometimes I have to step away from it all (literally and mentally) so as not to get overwhelmed. I put this pressure on myself to get it all done and done right. I tell myself that all of these things are so necessary for her to be a good place upon her entrance to the world.
Sure cute, clean outfits and a nice room are nice things for your child to have, but how lost I can get in the worldly things. More than anything else, I know that the best thing I can give my daughter is a great example of a good heart. A heart that empathizes and serves. A heart that loves the Lord and longs for his relationship. A heart that is thankful and joyful even on the worst days.
It's a frightening thing to ask myself "Will she learn this from you? Will you be able to be that example?" That carries a far greater weight than supplying her with the "things" of this world. The heaviness of it is both daunting and encouraging. And I'm left knowing that the only way to achieve this grace and attain this strength is by getting on my knees and asking it of Him.
Daily may I pray "Lord help me because I can't on my own."

Sure cute, clean outfits and a nice room are nice things for your child to have, but how lost I can get in the worldly things. More than anything else, I know that the best thing I can give my daughter is a great example of a good heart. A heart that empathizes and serves. A heart that loves the Lord and longs for his relationship. A heart that is thankful and joyful even on the worst days.
It's a frightening thing to ask myself "Will she learn this from you? Will you be able to be that example?" That carries a far greater weight than supplying her with the "things" of this world. The heaviness of it is both daunting and encouraging. And I'm left knowing that the only way to achieve this grace and attain this strength is by getting on my knees and asking it of Him.
Daily may I pray "Lord help me because I can't on my own."

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