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Showing posts from 2017

Up Up And Away- Take Two (And Three)

We took our second family flight this past June.  We took the earliest flight out so we had to wake up at 4:00am to get everything ready.  I had all of the girls' stuff ready and laid out so we only woke them five minutes before we left at 5:00 am.  Rollins is our late sleeper so I thought she would for sure fall back asleep in the car on the way to the airport.  Nope.  Auden, who is typically my early riser (with the sunrise), fell asleep instead.  I guess Rollins knew something was up and was too excited to miss anything.  She didn't fall asleep until we were 10 minutes from our friends' house in Dallas.  Meanwhile, Auden fell asleep again on the plane.  Proof that you can never predict what toddlers will do during travel days.   Auden loved getting to use her new suitcase and travel backpack (that daddy so graciously attached to his luggage for her).  We got quite a few comments from those ...