This one is a bit different from my usual posts, but lets face it--life isn't all about decorative pillows and DIY projects. So from the more serious side of me...
As I was lying in my warm bed last night trying to fall asleep, I couldn't help but think about the snow that rested outside and all of those who were shivering in the cold without a home. As I looked over at my healthy and loving husband, I couldn't help but think of those who are or have recently seen their loved ones struggle with pain and disease and ultimately pass away. It was all I could, but count again my many blessings.
I found out today of two more deaths--one being a 28-year-old guy who found out over Christmas holidays that he had testicular cancer. He passed away last Wednesday, leaving behind his wife and family. I can't even imagine the devastation they must feel. And in the wake of the other death I mentioned, the son of the man said this of his father "My heart, mind, and soul are at peace knowing you will stand at the Heavenly gates and hear, "Well done my good and faithful servant!"" What an amazing faith!
Even with all of the pain and suffering going on in the world, I stand firm in the fact that God is for us. Always. He is constant. He is faithful.
One of my favorite songs at the moment boasts lyrics proclaiming just that. "You Are For Me" by Kari Jobe is an absolutely beautiful and stirring song. Give your ears and heart a treat, and have a listen :)

As I was lying in my warm bed last night trying to fall asleep, I couldn't help but think about the snow that rested outside and all of those who were shivering in the cold without a home. As I looked over at my healthy and loving husband, I couldn't help but think of those who are or have recently seen their loved ones struggle with pain and disease and ultimately pass away. It was all I could, but count again my many blessings.

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