Today marks a year since I found our sweet little Riley roaming a parking lot in Enid, Oklahoma. While it might not have been the best time to bring home another dog (a week before we were set to move across the country), it was a blessing in disguise. I'm so happy that no one ever called to claim her because she has brought so much joy into our little family. Happy adopt-a-versary Riley :)
In other news, I'm trying to pack for our San Fran/Napa trip. I'm notorious for being an overpacker. I'd much rather have options and be over prepared than pack a carry on and end up not having everything I need. And while I've gotten a little better over the years, it's still a struggle. I see a bagging fee in my near future.
As you can see, the weather is going to be oh so pleasant! Lows in the 50's?! I can't remember when it was that cold down here in Florida. It will be perfect "fire pit at night" weather. And I'm so excited to get to wear some of my blazers and scarves that have been neglected the past few months. Here's to hoping I can pack as well as this girl...

In other news, I'm trying to pack for our San Fran/Napa trip. I'm notorious for being an overpacker. I'd much rather have options and be over prepared than pack a carry on and end up not having everything I need. And while I've gotten a little better over the years, it's still a struggle. I see a bagging fee in my near future.
As you can see, the weather is going to be oh so pleasant! Lows in the 50's?! I can't remember when it was that cold down here in Florida. It will be perfect "fire pit at night" weather. And I'm so excited to get to wear some of my blazers and scarves that have been neglected the past few months. Here's to hoping I can pack as well as this girl...
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