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Birthday Breakdown

Sorry for my absence from the blogosphere last week, but I must say, Jon and I had a great week of vacation!  We visited with family and friends, went to the beach and celebrated my 27th birthday.  The 12-hour drive was well worth it!

Here's our big boy on the way to Alabama.

I grew up vacationing in the summer at Orange Beach and Gulf Shores in Alabama so it's always great when we get to go back down there.  We ate at a new place (to us) called Cosmo's and of course had to hit up some of our usual favorites: Tacky Jack's, Cobalt and Flora-Bama.

Attempting to get some color on my skin :)

Me and the new mommy-to-be getting ready for dinner at Cosmo's.

The whole gang at breakfast at Tacky Jack's Saturday morning.

Me and the hubby before dinner my birthday dinner.

The girls at Cobalt.

The fam before dinner.

The birthday girl! :)  P.S. I learned that spray sunscreen and wind yield random sunburn spots.

Had to get a pic with momma at 9pm (the time I was born). :)

In other birthday news, I ended up only asking for one of the things on my initial birthday wish list.  I decided to wait on the home accessories and furniture until after we move this fall and the Anthro earrings were sold out :(  I did however get the book Decorate: 1,000 Design Ideas for Every Room in Your Home and some Chanel shades!

I always get my sunglasses from TJ Maxx (I've never owned anything Chanel in my life!) so getting these was a BIG step, but they were my favorite of all the ones I tried on in the store and Jon convinced me that protecting my eyesight is worth every penny.  I love them!

It was a wonderful birthday weekend!  And to top it off, the Mavs took home the NBA title on Sunday night!  I think 27 is going to be a great year!

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