Here's a photo of the wallpaper from you know where. There were three of us working on getting it down yesterday afternoon, and I'd say it's a little over half way done now. Towards the end, my hand was killing me from using the spray bottle so I started to dump some of the gel in my hand and apply it to the wall, and it worked pretty good. The key is having the paper really saturated and letting it sit for awhile before you start scrapping. It's still a long process, but I just keep telling myself it will all be worth it in the end.
Here's one more look at the colors. I had it narrowed down to the top two colors initially and then decided on Mr. Mountain Smoke because I wanted to stick to my original inspiration. This will be the darkest color I've ever painted a room, and I'm glad to be pushing my boundaries a bit. The bigger the risk, the bigger the reward, right? :)
Alright, it's back to cutting in for me. I figured this would be the hardest and most time consuming part so I wanted to get it out of the way. I'll return with more picture updates tomorrow!
My main project today is paint the dining room. Here are the samples I applied yesterday so we could get a good look at how the color would be during the day, at night and with the lights on. The middle color is the one I mentioned choosing yesterday. It's called Mountain Smoke by Valspar.
And in case you're interested in what the colors are called the top one is Elephant, as by Valspar, and the bottom one is by Olympic and it's called Clam Shell.
Here's one more look at the colors. I had it narrowed down to the top two colors initially and then decided on Mr. Mountain Smoke because I wanted to stick to my original inspiration. This will be the darkest color I've ever painted a room, and I'm glad to be pushing my boundaries a bit. The bigger the risk, the bigger the reward, right? :)
Alright, it's back to cutting in for me. I figured this would be the hardest and most time consuming part so I wanted to get it out of the way. I'll return with more picture updates tomorrow!
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