Yesterday a big, heavy package arrived on my doorstep. I was so excited when I realized that what was inside was an integral part to the weddings I'm styling in May-burlap! That's right, a roll of 300 feet of burlap was sitting at my front door.
I immediately got it out, and went to work on the first order of business, table runners.
My brides are using 60" round tables so I knew I needed 108" for the table runners, measuring 6" less on each side than the tablecloth itself, which is 120". After figuring out the length, I began to unroll the spool and measure.
This photo shows the end result and the difference in the two sizes-the top being the finished runner and the bottom being the original piece. It's not a huge difference but it definitely looks much cleaner.
The good thing about the side remnants I'm cutting off is that I can use them to wrap around mason jars, use as cocktail table ties, etc. Waste not, want not, right?
I can't wait to see all of the runners in action. I know they will look beautiful, just like this...
Now if you're wondering why I ordered a big roll of burlap instead of getting it from the fabric store, it was for several reasons.
1. I found it to be much more economical. I can make 33 108" runners from this one roll. And the total cost for the roll (shipping and all) was $100.35, making each runner come in at about $3.
2. The width of the roll (20 inches) was much easier to work with and cut down than the typical 45-56 inches would have been if I'd purchased a ream from the fabric store.
3. I got all the fabric I needed in one purchase (I would have needed to find multiple reams at the fabric store.
4. I got all I needed without ever having to leave my house! Take that, high gas prices!
If you're interested in purchasing a roll for yourself, I found that Associated Bag, a shipping and packaging company, offers the best pricing. They shipped very quickly and had a great customer service as well! Good luck!
*Please pardon any typos as my copy-editor, my hubby, is out of town and can't help me today. :)
Update: See the links below for completed runners and a better look at the color and finished look:
I immediately got it out, and went to work on the first order of business, table runners.
My brides are using 60" round tables so I knew I needed 108" for the table runners, measuring 6" less on each side than the tablecloth itself, which is 120". After figuring out the length, I began to unroll the spool and measure.
Once I got the length right, it was time to start cutting, first the length and then the width. The width of the burlap straight from the roll was 20 inches, a little too wide for what I needed. Plus one side had white stitching running down the side that had to go. Cutting burlap in a straight line is relatively easy because you can simply follow the lines of its large stitches.
This photo shows the end result and the difference in the two sizes-the top being the finished runner and the bottom being the original piece. It's not a huge difference but it definitely looks much cleaner.
The good thing about the side remnants I'm cutting off is that I can use them to wrap around mason jars, use as cocktail table ties, etc. Waste not, want not, right?
I can't wait to see all of the runners in action. I know they will look beautiful, just like this...
Now if you're wondering why I ordered a big roll of burlap instead of getting it from the fabric store, it was for several reasons.
1. I found it to be much more economical. I can make 33 108" runners from this one roll. And the total cost for the roll (shipping and all) was $100.35, making each runner come in at about $3.
2. The width of the roll (20 inches) was much easier to work with and cut down than the typical 45-56 inches would have been if I'd purchased a ream from the fabric store.
3. I got all the fabric I needed in one purchase (I would have needed to find multiple reams at the fabric store.
4. I got all I needed without ever having to leave my house! Take that, high gas prices!
If you're interested in purchasing a roll for yourself, I found that Associated Bag, a shipping and packaging company, offers the best pricing. They shipped very quickly and had a great customer service as well! Good luck!
*Please pardon any typos as my copy-editor, my hubby, is out of town and can't help me today. :)
Update: See the links below for completed runners and a better look at the color and finished look:

Do you have a photo of your finished product on a table at the wedding? The information was very useful...I am getting started making these foe my June wedding! Thanks!