It was a cold and rainy day here in Oklahoma yesterday, which made it the perfect day for starting to put up my Christmas decorations. Now before you call me crazy, let me just say I'm not overshadowing Thanksgiving. We are leaving town tomorrow and won't be back until after Thanksgiving. So technically we won't be celebrating Thanksgiving with Christmas decor around us. But now, when we return home, we'll be all set to enjoy the three weeks of our Christmas decor we have before we head out again for two weeks for the holidays.
That brings up another issue.
If you were to look at our DVR recordings, you would see shows like Inside the Milky Way and Real Housewives of Beverly Hills--about as diverse as they come. I'm sure you can guess which one is mine (sorry, it's a guilty pleasure). Well about as much as we differ on our entertainment choices, we also differ on our thoughts on whether or not to buy a Christmas tree this year.
As I mentioned earlier, we will only be home to enjoy our Christmas decorations for 3 weeks. No, it isn't the longest time, but I grew up always having a real Christmas tree, and I always got to help pick it out. Needless to say, I've always dreamed of having one of my own in my very first home. So naturally, I say we need to get a tree! Jon, on the other hand, thinks it's silly since we won't even been here to enjoy it. (He's usually the rational one while I'm the dreamer.) I have a feeling I will be able to persuade him though. At least that's what I'm hoping since I already got the Christmas tree stand and all of the ornaments and lights down yesterday :)
I'm not completely done with the rest of decorations so I won't share any pictures yet, but I'd thought I'd show you a few of the inspirations for my decor.
I love the archway we have between our living room and dining room, and I think it's just screaming for some garland, on which we'll attach the Christmas cards we receive, which are free and festive!
Next up is adding a little seasonal touch to the china cabinet. As I've mentioned before, I have a thing for black and white stripes. Well I also happen to have a thing for wreaths hung by ribbons. I'm hoping I can find some similar ribbon to this to use (for now it's just resting on the cabinet knobs) because I'm in love with it.
I don't currently own a tree skirt. I've never found one I've been too crazy about, and they are all usually so darn expensive. So since I'm going for a rustic elegance look, I think this burlap idea will be perfect, not to mention simple and affordable. All you have to do is buy a yard of burlap at your local craft store and cut out any edge you want. You can add piece of felt on top if you want the layered look.
That brings up another issue.
If you were to look at our DVR recordings, you would see shows like Inside the Milky Way and Real Housewives of Beverly Hills--about as diverse as they come. I'm sure you can guess which one is mine (sorry, it's a guilty pleasure). Well about as much as we differ on our entertainment choices, we also differ on our thoughts on whether or not to buy a Christmas tree this year.
As I mentioned earlier, we will only be home to enjoy our Christmas decorations for 3 weeks. No, it isn't the longest time, but I grew up always having a real Christmas tree, and I always got to help pick it out. Needless to say, I've always dreamed of having one of my own in my very first home. So naturally, I say we need to get a tree! Jon, on the other hand, thinks it's silly since we won't even been here to enjoy it. (He's usually the rational one while I'm the dreamer.) I have a feeling I will be able to persuade him though. At least that's what I'm hoping since I already got the Christmas tree stand and all of the ornaments and lights down yesterday :)
I'm not completely done with the rest of decorations so I won't share any pictures yet, but I'd thought I'd show you a few of the inspirations for my decor.
I love the archway we have between our living room and dining room, and I think it's just screaming for some garland, on which we'll attach the Christmas cards we receive, which are free and festive!
Next up is adding a little seasonal touch to the china cabinet. As I've mentioned before, I have a thing for black and white stripes. Well I also happen to have a thing for wreaths hung by ribbons. I'm hoping I can find some similar ribbon to this to use (for now it's just resting on the cabinet knobs) because I'm in love with it.
As I said, I have a thing for wreaths hung up by ribbons, especially when they're hanging on windows. You can bet you'll be seeing some wreaths on our large window in the living room. I hung them up last night, and they look great.
I purchased this chartreuse velvet and linen Pottery Barn runner on major sale ($13!) after Christmas last year, and I have to say it looks fabulous on our dining room table. It works so well with all our existing decor and showcases the green glass goblets (say that three times fast) that my mom handed down to me. We're definitely going to have to invite some people over for dinner!
So there's just a tease. I'll be back soon with the final photos soon.

You HAVE to get a tree. Some people (my mom) never celebrate Christmas at their own house. So they can never have a tree? I think not! Make him get one. Forcing your husband to do what you want him to is one of the great things about marriage! :)