My latest issue of Lucky magazine had a 10th Anniversary special on 100 edicts to live by. I circled a few of my favorite shopping tips and thought I'd share the advise with you.
1. Don't shop for clothes when you're tan, thin or in the Bahamas because everything looks good when you're tan, thin and in the Bahamas.
2. Buy clothes that you'll wear on a Tuesday afternoon, not a Saturday night--few people lead Saturday-night lives.
3. Avoid being featured on Hoarders by living the "one in, one out" mantra: If you buy something new, take something else out and set it on eBay or donate it. Another good tip for the Closet Declutter post from yesterday.
4. If something is expensive, leave it behind for 24 hours. If you're still obsessed with it the next day, buy it.
5. If shoes are only marginally comfortable when you try them on in the store you can be sure they'll be excruciating on the street.

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